Workshop | Parade

  • crédit photo: Betty Bogaert


Meet us on Saturday, September 26 at Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam to transform your faithful brown bin into a work of art!



From 10 am to 5 pm

A day of the organic bin customization workshop will be offered to neighborhood residents on September 26 from 11 am to 5 pm on Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam. Participants will be invited to reproduce the works of Montreal artists on the brown bin. Each family will have a table, all the creative materials and a clean bin for carrying out the activity. Several time slots are available.


Distribution of “Do it yourself” kits from 10 am to 5 pm

Go to the information kiosk to learn all about composting: its history, its life cycle, recovery goals, as well as tips and tricks for loving your bin. Would you also like to reproduce a work on your own bin? Ask our team for the do-it-yourself kit and turn your baccalaureate into a work of art! Get your do-it-yourself kit at the information kiosk.


5 pm to 6 pm

Join us for the prize-giving and the parade to discover the works on the ferry from the 45 families of the Plateau. The awards ceremony will take place in the presence of artists, participants and elected officials from the Plateau-Mont-Royal. The parade of masters and mistresses with their new “company ferry” will be accompanied by the Movimiento fanfare.