État d'Urgence 2010 | ©Martin Savoie
État d'Urgence 2010 | ©Martin Savoie

Prizes & Recognitions


ATSA is recipient of :

- the 2021 Meritorious Service Medal Civil Division, by the Governor General of Canada.
- the YMCA Peace Medal for Cuisine ta Ville 2019!
- the 2018 Inaugural Prix du jury from the Desjardins Caisse de la Culture for the 33rd Grand Prix of the Conseil des arts de Montréal
- the 2013 honorable mention of the Mayor of Montreal's Democracy Award
- the 2011 Giverny Capital Prize
- the 2010 Pratt & Whitney Canada Nature de l’Art Prize awarded by the Conseil des arts de Montréal the Citoyen de la Culture 2008 award handed out by Les Arts et la Ville 
- the Artistes pour la Paix 2008 award 

ATSA is also proud to have been chosen for:

- one of the twenty portraits highlighted by the Quartier des spectacles for their artistic contribution (2023)
- finalist for the Human Rights and Liberties Award by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (2019)
- one of the fifty personalities of Amnisty International
spokesperson of Journées Québécoises de la Solidarité Internationale (2011)
- spokesperson of 22ème Exposition inter-collégiale d’arts plastiques du Réseau Inter-collégial des Activités Socioculturelle du Québec (RIASQ 2010),
- spokesperson of 5ème Sommet citoyen de Montréal (2009)

ATSA is a member of the board of RAIQ.


- Magnus Isaacson and Simon Bujold movie "l'art en action " is recipient of the Gémeaux prize of Radio-Canada for the best biography and portrait 2011 !
- Orangetango received two Grafika prizes for the État d’Urgence 2009 poster and the publication ATSA: Quand l’Art passe à l’Action. The publication also received the prize Applied Art.


Meritorious Service Decoration (Civilian)


The ceremony for the recepients of the Meritorious Service Decoration 2021 was reported to the 7th of december 2023 due to the pandemic. Below, a word from Annie Roy: 

"On December 7th, Pierre (represented by our daughter Béatrice Allard) and I had the honor of receiving the Meritorious Service Decoration from the Governor General of Canada. Our son Ulysse Allard could not be there as he was in exams, but he was in our hearts.

I hadn't realized, before experiencing it, how much this recognition would also soothe the pain of grief. It's like being officially told, 'We won't forget you. You have done exceptional deeds that have had an impact, and we thank you.' All while being surrounded by people who have also performed exceptional acts, making this day an inspiration at every moment. We spoke with three extraordinary recipients: Chief Roger J. Augustine, Morgane Louise-Marie Auger, and Mustafa Alio, whose actions and energy I will not forget.

Nakurmiik Governor General of Canada"

YMCA Peace Medal 2019 


ATSA receives a YMCA Peace Medal for Cuisine ta ville ! Things got emotional when ATSA was awarded a YMCA Peace Medal (Organization for Peace category) for Cuisine ta ville 2019, in the presence of such illustrious peace ambassadors as Yvon Deschamps and Judi Richards ! This award cannot come at a better time, given the current context, as Cuisine ta ville is a testament not only to ATSA’s resilience, but also to that of all those who leave behind their country of origin, in often difficult conditions, to build new lives for themselves elsewhere. We believe that as a host society, it is our duty to honour these new arrivals in the heart of the city, and to welcome them with open arms. THANK YOU to the YMCA for its commitment and its action and congratualtions to all the winners !

- Jeune pacificateur(trice) - Serena Lopes
- Individu pour la paix - Mistiko Miller
- Organisme pour la paix - ATSA (Cuisine ta ville)
- Initiative corporative pour la paix - Element AI
- Coup de cœur - Collectif bienvenue
- Reconnaissance spéciale - YMCA Alternative Suspension



33GP CAM2017

L'Atsa is sincerely grateful to inaugurate the Prix du Jury from the Desjardins Caisse de la Culture for the 33rd Grand Prix of the Conseil des Arts de Montréal




Prix Giverny Capital 2011


photo: Annie Fortin for égérie.
From left to right: Mme Louise Déry (UQAM), Pierre Allard (ATSA), François Rochon (Giverny Capital), Annie Roy (ATSA), Stéphane Aquin (MBAM) et Mark Lanctôt (MAC)

Artists Pierre Allard and Annie Roy from ATSA have received the Giverny Capital Prize 2011

Created in 2007 by the initiative of Mr. François Rochon, president of Giverny Capital and major art collector, this biannual prize comes with a 10,000$ bursary award and recognizes excellence, originality and the creative force of local art.

The following accomplished jury selected ATSA as 2011 recipient of the Giverny Capital Prize:

M. Stéphane Aquin, curator at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
M. Marc Lanctôt, curator at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Mrs. Eve-Lyne Beaudry, contemporary art curator at the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec
Mrs. Marie-Josée Jean, VOX contemporary image director
and Mrs. Louise Déry, La Galerie UQÀM director

The prize was presented on Friday, February 24 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

"It is a very generous prize. Also, we are very honoured by the fact that Mr. Rochon has brought such a prestigious jury together. Such an important recognition for socially engaged art is not always easy to assert and it always take a certain amount of courage! We also had the privilege to visit Mr. Rochon’s art collection which we greatly appreciated!" – ATSA


Pratt and Whitney Canada prize of the Conseil des arts de Montréal, Nature de l'art

March 24, 2010 – ATSA is recipient of the Pratt & Whitney Canada prize of the Conseil des arts de Montréal called Nature de l’art.

The Nature de l’art prize for excellence in visual arts is given to a creator whose work integrates, refers to and/or is inspired by themes touching upon the environment, ecology, the recycling of materials, and/or the transformation of the urban landscape.” 

Read the press release

This rings close to ATSA’s approach and efforts, so we are naturally very pleased! Special thanks to the Conseil des arts de Montréal and to Pratt & Whitney, as well as to the ATSA team and to all of our collaborators and participants who keep our projects alive!

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Artiste pour la paix Award

February 14, 2009 – It is with great honour that ATSA was named Artiste pour la paix 2008 (Artist for peace 2008) after ten years of socially engaged art. It is with a great deal of emotion that artists Annie Roy and Pierre Allard received the prize and attended the award ceremony, where militant Laure Waridel and artist Ève Cournoyer recognized the importance of their work through speeches and music.

Les Artistes pour la Paix offered ATSA a painting by Marcel St-Pierre entitled “Cible sans nom”, which the artist made especially for the occasion to highlight the event.

Read the press release

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Citoyen de la Culture Prize awarded by Les Arts et la Ville

In order to underline these accomplishments, Les Arts et la Ville gets together with L’Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) to award the Citoyen de la culture prize. This prize intends to extend the influence of cultural and communitarian organisms which are partners of local development. ATSA was awarded this prize in 2008 for the 10 years of the event État d’Urgence.





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The movie called "l'art en action " is recipient of the Gémeaux prize of Radio-Canada for the best  biography and portrait 2011 !


 Grafika and Applied Art Prize

Orangetango received two Grafika prizes for the État d’Urgence 2009 poster and the publication ATSA: Quand l’Art passe à l’Action. The publication also received the prize Applied Art.


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