Friday, May 5, 6 pm
With Alexis Jobin-Théberge
Founded in 1956, PRAIDA’s official mandate is to facilitate the settlement and integration of asylum seekers in Quebec.
The reality of immigrants in Québec: A rights-based approach
Saturday, May 6, 1 pm
With Thibault Camara et Claire Launay
Le Québec c’est nous aussi is a non-profit organization working to defend the rights and living conditions of immigrants in Québec.
Why is it so difficult to learn Québec French?
Saturday, May 6, 3:30 pm
In this one-hour conference, Geneviève will identify several difficulties faced by new arrivals to the province when it comes to learning the language.
Geneviève Breton is the founder of the maprofdefrançais project. Starting out as a simple YouTube channel designed to provide francization students structured resources on Québec’s informal French, maprofdefrançais has rapidly evolved into a specialist site with a mission to help immigrants understand French in the province by teaching them our language as it is really spoken.
Sunday, May 7, 3 pm
In this one-hour conderence, Photographer Émilie Régnier, born to a Haitian father and a Canadian mother, will talk about her personal narrative and artistic practice.
Ivan Atehortua
Sunday, May 7, 5 pm
The goal of this project was to encourage the francization of immigrants and to value their experience by producing a collection of autobiographical testimonies of people from various countries, in the form of graphic novels
Ivan Atehortua is a self-taught artist, born in Colombia. Under the pseudonym Solal Comics, he experiments with caricature, collage and urban art, among other techniques.
Let’s talk about the sponsorship program
Action Réfugiés Montréal
Tuesday, May 9, 5 pm
With Ian Van Haren
An interactive activity that aims to explain the sponsorship program in Quebec and the realities lived by refugeed people before and after they arrive.
For 25 years Action Réfugiés Montréal has provided support to refugees seeking protection in Canada.
Human rights and migration issues in Québec and Canada
Tuesday, May 9, 6 pm
With Marisa Berry Méndez
This conference will highlight issues at the intersection of human rights and migration in Québec and Canada. It will provide an overview of the interrelated issues of migration and refuge in a global context, and will discuss solutions in line with human rights, as well as ideas for taking action.
Wednesday, May 10, 4:30 pm
With Hélène Bernardot
For more than 20 years, CRIC has worked to facilitate relationships between people of all cultures. Their mission is to promote and facilitate rich intercultural connections, in a spirit of openness and benevolence.
Parcours de femmes immigrantes
TCRI et les Femmes-Relais
Wednesday, May 10, 6 pm
With Élodie Combes, Ljupka Mirchovska et invitées
This seminar is intended to foster dialogue around immigration issues in Québec and Montreal, more specifically through the lens of the experiences of immigrant women. First, participants will learn about the work of the Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI) in defence of human rights and in pursuit of a more Inclusive society. Next, the Femmes-Relais project spearheaded by the Table de quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve will be presented. Finally, there will be an exchange of viewpoints so that participants leave with a more nuanced and enriched perspective of these very polarizing issues.
Centre social d’aide aux immigrants
Thursday, May 11, 6 pm
With Martin Savard
Founded in 1947, the CSAI is an independent community organization dedicated to welcoming immigrants and government-assisted refugees. The CSAI serves the population of Montreal and its surroundings by offering services and activities facilitating their socio-professional integration.
Friday, May 12, 4 pm
Anna Mapachee is both Anicinape and Cree woman from Pikogan. Recipient of the Claude Kistabish Award, she continued her commitment by teaching the Anicinape language first at Concordia University and then at the Kiuna Institution. She also works as a lecturer and consultant on various cultural and linguistic projects.
Collectif Femme, Vie, Liberté – Montréal
Friday, May 12, 7 pm
With Nimâ Machouf
Genèse de la révolution « Femme, vie, liberté »
Cette conférence abordera la question des droits des femmes en Iran depuis l’arrivée du régime islamique à l’aune de la situation vécue depuis 40 ans.
Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés
Saturday, May 13, 11 am
With Denise Otis et Damarce Hésima
Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), aussi connu comme l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, est l’organisme de premier plan au niveau mondial visant à sauver des vies, protéger les droits et bâtir un avenir meilleur pour les personnes réfugiées, les populations déplacées internes et les personnes apatrides.
Saturday, May 13, 1:30 pm
Manal Jomaa est originaire du Liban. Détentrice d’une maîtrise en gestion des affaires, elle cumule plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans le domaine juridique avec une expérience diversifiée à l’international.
Beyrouth, ville meurtrie, ville résiliente
Manal discutera de la résilience des Libanais et des Libanaises suite à l’explosion survenue dans le port de Beyrouth le 4 août 2020.

Sunday, May 7, 2 pm
With Ivan Atehortua, Carolina Echeverría, Carlos Rojas, Denise A. Olivares et Marg Boyle
Native Immigrant est une organisation communautaire à but non lucratif dont la mission est de créer des dialogues culturels et artistiques entre les personnes immigrantes allochtones et les Premières Nations.
Double identité
Cette conférence examine l’impact de la double identité sur le processus créatif et la vie personnelle de plusieurs artistes. La double identité consiste à avoir à la fois l’identité de son pays d’origine et celle de son pays de résidence. Est-ce un fardeau ou un cadeau que d’avoir une partie de son âme dans sa culture d’origine et une partie dans la culture d’accueil?
Thursday, May 11, 2 pm
Le Centre Saint-Louis offre des cours de francisation aux personnes adultes immigrantes. En plus des 20 h de cours par semaine prescrits par le Ministère de l’Éducation, des ateliers de discussions thématiques sont animés par des bénévoles francophones afin de permettre aux apprenant·es de niveau intermédiaire-avancé de discuter dans un cadre informel de sujets divers en petits groupes.
Cours de conversation
Dans le cadre de Cuisine ta ville, nos apprenant·es et les bénévoles aborderont le thème des souvenirs. Venez échanger avec nous!