
  • Montréal
    Place des festivals

  • May 9 to 12, 2019



A relational art event
to better know the refugees, both former and current,
who make up the social fabric of Montréal.

May 9–12, 2019
Place des Festivals, in the Quartier des spectacles
Free and accessible to all


Thursday and Friday, May 9 & 10 from 5 to 11 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, May 11 & 12, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

SITE OPENING I Thursday, May 9 I 5 p.m.
Official remarks
> Annie Roy, co-founder of ATSA, When Art Takes Action
> Other speakers to be confirmed


As part of the PUBLIC SPACE series, come enjoy a multidisciplinary relational art experience in the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles.

  • Stroll along the ARTS TRAIL for an immersion in the collective memory of flight, the home left behind and the new home where life begins anew.
  • Attend PERFORMANCES in dance, theatre, music, etc. offered by artists who are refugees or from immigrant roots, and perhaps even find yourself being part of the performance or having a moving encounter thanks to Le Temps d'une Soupe.

With the INSIDE THE TENTS series, whose familiar “Tempo” tents evoke images of refugee camps, experience a warm encounter with people who have left everything behind to build their lives elsewhere.

  • LE CŒUR ET LA TÊTE is a series of conferences and testimonials offering stimulating insights, often humorous, from refugees who share their life experiences and from experts and case workers familiar with the challenges that line the immigration process.
  • LE PARTY DE CUISINE (Kitchen Party) allows you to savour a traditional soup prepared by an immigrant or a person with immigrant roots while listening to their story.EXHIBITIONS, FILMS, WORKSHOPS and PERFORMANCE ART inside the tents adopt a visual or participative approach to relating the theme of forced exile as seen through the ages of life.

Cuisine ta ville is organized in partnership with the Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI — council of organizations serving refugees and immigrants). There will be a special focus on maternal and child health in Haiti, offered in partnership with the Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation. As well, the event forms part of the activities of the Peace Network for Social Harmony.



● Stroll along the ARTS TRAIL for an immersion in the collective memory of flight, the home left behind and the new home where life begins anew.