Luncheon-talk with Marie-Claude de Souza

Luncheon-talk with Marie-Claude de Souza

We are pleased to welcome the artist Marie-Claude de Souza at La Montagnarde. She will host a luncheon talk on February 8, at Pic café in Saint-Adolphe, to talk about her project Glossaire baragouiné. For her creation, she is looking for testimonies from families in order to share with her these invented or diverted words that only members of the same family know.

Whether it is a chosen family, reconstituted, extended, nuclear, single-parent, with or without children, immigrant or native to the region, you can participate!

If you are not available on February 8 but still want to participate, no problem!

Family participation can take several forms. Testimonies can be made during a "light" filming with the artist during her stay at La Montagnarde, or they can be sent by email or private message to or on the page