Project I Pan-Canadian action I Attacks # 12-13-14-15
Launch of the Pan-Canadian action
To meet the great demand for this project’s continuity, and in light of the overwhelming number of people who volunteered to be patrollers in Montreal, ATSA launches its first pan-Canadian action:
Attentat #11 !
The statement of offence, downloadable at, features environmental demerit points rather than a dollar amount, as well as a more evident explanation that the statement is issued solely for the purposes of raising awareness. The statement is bilingual and mentions the regulation against engine idling respectively for the cities of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, Montreal and Halifax. It is possible to personalize the statement in the Comments box.
The statement can be printed three to a 8½ x 11 page. Instructions for use must be read prior to any downloading.
We urge citizens to undertake this action on their own or in groups, and to engage their fellow citizens in constructive — and peaceful — dialogue. It is through a change in popular thinking that our political leaders will find the courage to enact and enforce appropriate regulation !
» Read the instructions guide and download the citizen's statement of offence
Notice to the media and the public
Dear Offenders: keep on smiling !
You are not legally bound to pay your statement of offence. However, if you wish to show that you have a sense of humor, and if your finances allow (some of you have vehicles that prove that!), we will invest your donation back into ATSA in order to keep spreading the word through more Socially Acceptable Terrorist Actions !
A big thanks to all our patrollers !
Instructions ( pdf )
Citizen's statement of offence (pdf - recto verso)
SMOG alert (pdf - recto verso)
Best wishes on your patrol !