À vos marques

  • © Martin Savoie
  • American Can, Montréal

  • 2001

slideshow I video I sound


À vos marques : For who you are working for ?

This project explores the concept of depth of field as a metaphor for the lack of long-term vision of our global organization. 3000 pairs of shoes evoke, at the same time, a ritual gesture before entering Buddhist or Islamic temples and absent workers. The spectator must pass through the length of the rows of shoes, in a race against the clock towards the stripped-down symbols of power and to an intolerably loud soundtrack. These remind us of the current race, one that is out of control, towards globalization and profit at any cost, the race of the cult of work and of performance. Yes, we are running - but where? And who will profit? 

October 6 - 8, 2001
3rd floor of American Can, during the event "Espaces Émergents"



Photos : ©Martin Savoie






(20 min. 23 sec.) Réalisation: Laurent Maslé et ATSA