New member of the BoD

New member of the BoD

We are proud to announce our newest addition to the Board of Directors: Kim Marineau biologist, M.Sc. consultant and president of Biodiversité conseil inc.

An excellent addition to ATSA's ongoing commitment to eco-responsibility.

For over 30 years, she has acquired diversified experience in plant ecology, botany and ecosystem management, conducting more than 300 ecosystem studies almost everywhere in Quebec. Her expert opinions are sought in legal disputes concerning the protection of wetlands and natural ecosystems. She is also a master's-level teacher, lecturer and peer trainer.

She is a founding member and president of Éco-corridors laurentiens, a conservation organization that promotes the creation of protected areas and eco-corridors, and is vice-president of the Société québécoise de bryologie. She also co-created Marathon Collaboratif, an organization whose aim is to provide a framework for reflection on the ecological transition.