ATSA receives the Meritorious Service Decoration (Civil)

ATSA receives the Meritorious Service Decoration (Civil)

A word from Annie: "On December 7th, Pierre (represented by our daughter Béatrice Allard) and I had the honor

of receiving the Meritorious Service Decoration from the Governor General of Canada. Our son Ulysse Allard could not be there as he was in exams, but he was in our hearts.

I hadn't realized, before experiencing it, how much this recognition would also soothe the pain of grief. It's like being officially told, 'We won't forget you. You have done exceptional deeds that have had an impact, and we thank you.' All while being surrounded by people who have also performed exceptional acts, making this day an inspiration at every moment. We spoke with three extraordinary recipients: Chief Roger J. Augustine, Morgane Louise-Marie Auger, and Mustafa Alio, whose actions and energy I will not forget.

Nakurmiik Governor General of Canada"

Note: The ceremony for the recepients of the Meritorious Service Decoration 2021 had been reported to the 7th of december 2023 due to the pandemic.