ÉTAT D'URGENCE - What has it evolved into?
État d’Urgence is a five-day “manifestival” featuring continuous innovative, multidisciplinary artistic offerings provided free of charge to all. It is first and foremost an on-going platform for our urban refugees, the homeless. In addition to fostering a festive atmosphere conducive to encounters of all sorts, État d’Urgence provides $55,000 in warm clothing, 3,500 full meals, round-the-clock snacks, sleep accommodations and numerous front-line services for those living in great need. Several hundred volunteers help make the experience an unforgettable one, year after year. The roster of local, national and international talent encompasses a broad spectrum of arts—from circus, theatre and dance to music, the visual arts, video, spoken word, and more—and stimulates aesthetic reflection on the crucial issues of the day while favouring social cohesion. Full details on the artistic programming are available at ATSA’s website, www.atsa.qc.ca.
État d’Urgence is an ecologically responsible event.