CHANGE (2008)
This retrospective of ATSA’s creative production is part of a wider marketing initiative. In effect, over the course of a 10-week period, ATSA immerses itself into the world of marketing, offering itself up as a guinea pig by opening a temporary bricks-and-mortar retail space dubbed CHANGE:
– a meeting place for the pecuniary and the artistic, where ATSA draws on its archival material, sound recordings, videos and artifacts as the basis for creating derived products and works for sale geared both to the art market and the general public.
– a platform for revisiting major issues investigated by ATSA: wealth distribution, hyperconsumerism, heritage protection, addiction to fossil fuel, violence against children, globalization, and others.
– the whole of ATSA’s output under one roof, affording an opportunity to discover or rediscover the work of this engaged collective.
– a paradox: a critique of the ubiquity of marketing, but also a commercial space for encounter and discussion in order to further the development of a responsible citizenry.